

This is Peaches. Riding the waters. Riding the “whelm”. Whelm? There doesn’t seem to be any rolling wave action here, does there? But, in some

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smell the roses

You’re told BUY THIS NOW. Or: eat this food. Don’t ever eat that one. Exercise this way, this much. Etc. What happened to “smell the

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soul nourishment

Who doesn’t need some soul nourishment just about now? It’s hot. Your mind isn’t always on the best thoughts. You feel … less than great.

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I don’t know if you’ve come up with an idea that seemed so straightforward and then the journey is …. anything but that? Years ago,

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it: art

What does the word art mean, anyway? When you hear it, do you think of a Georgia O’Keefe painting or a MIchelangelo work – something

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home sweet home

Do you know that Bob Marley song about the little birds? “Woke up this morning, smiled at the rising sun” (something like that..) And the

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that moment

Do you remember a moment when your life changed? When you had only known one way to think of yourself and then… wow! Here’s another?

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start with yellow

Start with yellow. That was Kaji Aso’s instruction, day one of water color class at the Museum School in Boston, years ago. Kaji, or Master

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Picture of Salley Knight

Salley Knight

Salley Knight is an American textile artist. She creates her art using ancient Japanese techniques of hand-dyeing on silk.