
Wet snow. Then rain. Freezing rain.

Power outages.

I grew up in the south. I’m trying to recall if I ever experienced any time when the power went out in winter when I was a child. It was summer: lightening strikes that took out power then.

Weather. Something that happens. And yet – don’t I pay a lot of attention to it! I am someone who love loves loves the outdoors.

This morning I was running (trudging) before daylight. Per usual. And I encountered a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. She had on intense crampons to deal with the icy roads. She asked me about how I was doing without them.

And I told her what I’ve learned from experience of my adult years in New England: in the rottenest weather, the worst (hilliest) roads will be the ones they treat/salt first. Worst first. I was fine on my road: heavily salted.

I came back inside. Walked past the art I’m working on. Something caught my eye. Something NOT working.

Okay, I realize: I too deal with the “worst first”. (Thanks for standing out).

… as I sit down.

… as I focus on my art.

…as I keep on trudging.

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