unformed : take 2


NO way.

Is that art that that’s happening?

It’s been awhile. You know, I was just reading about Giacometti and how he would work intensely and then have periods of hanging out with friends in Paris. Okay. So I’m not in Paris. But hanging out? Yes, I did do that.

I’m looking at the drawings I made in the warmer, greener days of summer. Of the small, new plants, just beginning to assume form. When these small, vulnerable shoots had a prayer of living more than a day.

In particular, the fern. Can you distinguish that shape? Looking so blobby and indistinct. Later to become one of the most articulate of plants.

Doesn’t that quality pull you in? Where the “almost idea” catches your attention. The sense that it’s a precious moment in this plant’s form. Soon to be outgrown.

And my sweet grandchildren also: they shape shift. From a very indistinct start to increasingly distinct form. It’s that sense of not knowing in the early stages. The sense imbued with possibility. Wide open potential.


Early fern. Early person. Coming into being.

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