
I got this new water color paper. When I went to order more, the store was sold out of the type I’d been using. So I decided to be adventurous.

These are my first attempts on this Japanese one that I bought online, sight unseen. It’s rough. But I kind of love how it has it’s own idea of where the line should go. The color just moves around the hills and valleys, so pronounced.

I already am using my left hand. And now, this willful paper. It just adds to the bafflement these young beings are experiencing in the world.

Yes. When is bafflement not part of life? right?

When I was a child in Virginia, my mother would lure me and my siblings up the so-called mountain behind our house to “the chocolate rock”. Somehow, in my mind, I was sure this big flat rock at one point hid a cave. And we were sitting on top of it.

Just yesterday, I was walking with Ariella and we chanced upon an actual cave, less than a mile from where I live now. It was that childhood fantasy come to life. Here! So unexpected.

I was, yes, baffled.

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