pay attention to your focus

I mean, really, what secrets are these ferns sharing??? So quiet…

Yesterday, the topic of where you focus came up in my online art group. AND sure enough… there it was in the book I’m reading this morning. It’s so àpropos and so over the top, I can’t resist sharing. It’s from Diana Wynn Jones’s book of essays. She’s a writer of fantasy books, mostly for children…

This is a true story even though it came out of a book. You see, what I write in books and think I have made up has a creepy way of coming true. I noticed it first over “The Ogre Downstairs”. When I wrote that book, we were living in a new house with a flat roof and no stairs. The roof turned out to dissolve in rain, the lavatories every so often flushed boiling water…the builders got confused about which were electric cables and which were heating pipes. I was so sick in that house that I invented a quite different one for (my book) – a tall, thin house with lots and lots of stairs.

Now I live in a tall, thin house with lots and lots of stairs. I didn’t do it on purpose. It came about by accident, in an awful hurry. But the house is exactly like the house I put in the book.

So, I don’t know… houses … art … life?

Ferns, tidal pools … oceans?

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