il pleut

Don’t you love the sound of that: “il pleut.” The French really nailed it with those words. By contrast, say “it’s raining”; now, do those English words come close to approximating the sound of rain on a roof or window? But “pleut.” Yes.

I had a dear friend who used to visit quite often when my children were younger. He had none of his own and was full of advice. One thing he recommended was what he termed “mental health days.” Why wait until you felt full-blown sick? How about taking a day to soothe your mind; i.e. a mental health day. I loved the idea. Of course it was permitted. Of course you need a mental health day, I’d say. In retrospect, I’m surprised the children did not taken advantage of the day off more often; but then, perhaps their friends were better company than parents…

Regardless, this day reminded me of that. Rain. Stay at home. Quiet. I’m dyeing some new colors and the grey light is the best for that. No big excitement, no dazzling sun to blind and confuse me. Perfect weather for what I’m doing.

I got back some proofs from the photographer, finally. It’s obvious that his studio has very different lighting than my natural light here. The colors in the art are sooooo bright, so vivid. When I have the photos themselves I’ll share with you.

It was a cloudy outside the day I had the photo shoot. Inside the studio, though: bright. It’s clear that lighting creates its own weather…