
Can you see the figure? So quiet. Resting.

What a magical word that is. For the new mother, what you cherish is sleep. For yourself. For your child.

And as the child gets older, you continue to appreciate those moments. Down time. A chance to breathe. Relax. Or do your own thing.

I was fortunate as a mother to have four children, all within a span of 5 years. Which I will never regret. All of it, wonderful.

There was a great story that came back to me from Nika’s pre-school, when each child was asked what their parents did. While some responded with “doctor”, etc., Nika had her answer:
“My mom sleeps.”

So, there you go. The truth. I am sure I was quite good at it.

And just to add to that story from my side, for that time: all of my four would join me, one by one, in my immensely wide bed – every morning. By wake-up, the whole gang would be in there, under the covers.

Were we all sleeping through that? Resting maybe. Yes.


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