what happened?


That’s what happened. That’s why I didn’t write for a while. That’s what’s still happening.

With the help of wonderful Kristin, I updated my web-site front photos.

But mostly I just got buried in my art. With all this light and new energy and with all the 500 mittens and scarves and coats and boots and shovels that need to be put away and seeds that need to be put in and windows that need to be opened and fresh air that needs to be breathed and paths that need to be walked and new leaves that need to be swooned over and suddenly people all around that need this and that and sometimes the other and…

All I’ve been doing is my art.

I worked on it horizontally. Then hung it vertically. Oh dear. It totally needed redoing.

And all I wanted to do was that. Just art. Only art.

Let everything else slide.

It’s spring.

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