more light

Look what a difference the water makes! So much more light with the reflection added. If you look closely, you can see that the white in the lower left corner is not a cloud… It’s the departing snow.

It’s exciting getting the light back. Getting the first color in the garden. All these new pallets are at play: water; dirt. The inside wants to merge with the outside. Bring that light in. In to my art. Into my soul.

In terms of my art, I had thought that I would re-create in expanded form an idea that I worked on last summer. I had thought it through: the kind of supports I needed, the colors I’d use, what size, etc. But, you know, that idea was just not happening. I realized, no, that was last summer’s idea.

As Bob Dylan so beautifully describes:..those kind of songs were written under different circumstances, and circumstances never repeat themselves. Not exactly,. I couldn’t get to those kind of songs for him or anyone else.

Yep. Time for new light. Something else is pushing up through me, something that is all about this spring, what I have to say NOW. And, just going through the motions doesn’t cut it. It’s what’s burning that needs to come out. It’s crazy how that is. Your head might THINK it knows. But something deeper is working it’s way up and through. Out of the darn dirt. Taking away the ice.

Bless the changing times.

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